Saturday, October 17, 2009

SITScation '09 Highlights

So the official part of SITScation ’09 is now over, but the dancing continues into the night. As a first-time blogging conference attendee, I’m happy to report that this conference was way more fun and informative than I had dared hope for.

But the real surprise was how warm and friendly my fellow bloggers turned out to be. Absolutely EVERYone, including blogging stars like SITS founders Tiffany and Heather and speakers like PHAT Mommy and Tip Junkie Laurie Turk were utterly approachable and easy to engage.

Even better, they were fun—and a number of them were absolutely gorgeous out there on the dance floor in their feathers and silver tops and wraps.

No divas to be found anywhere at SITScation! The more successful bloggers who were featured speakers unhesitatingly spilled their most valuable secrets and shared their less glorious moments and lessons learned from mistakes, as well.

Search Twitter using #SITScation and you’ll see many of the highlights of the weekend. For my money, the best tips I picked up were these:
• “Please all and you will please none.” Plus: live, blog, and comment “in the light” (my paraphrase). Sugar Jones says there’s plenty of negativity in the world; don’t spend time fueling fires that only destroy.
• Don’t let your blog impact your regular life. Posting can wait; life can’t. –Renee Ross
• Personal branding can’t be fabricated. Brand yourself by identifying your unique qualities and passions. Once you do that, everything else falls into place. –Alli Worthington

Fabulous weekend. Would love to hear from SITSas who were there and may even have been Pokened by me at some point. XO to everyone!


@TiffanyRom said...

It was so GREAT to meet you! We had so much fun, and I am thrilled you enjoyed yourself!

I feel like I have 80 new friends!


@TiffanyRom said...

What a great post! You summed it up perfectly. It really was an amazing experience, and every women was positive, upbeat and supportive- incredible.

I hope we can meet up in LA soon!


Siemens said...

Thanks, Tiffany. Would love to meet up with you and any other SITSas in So Cal! Had a blast this weekend and learned a ton.

Patricia said...

sounds like it was a great time had by all. Would love to have gone.

Maybe new year! ;)

Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I've been amazed at how many others like teen lit as well. :)

Siemens said...

Definitely come next year if you can. I learned so much!

Summer said...

Wasn't it the best?!?

I miss everyone already....tear....

Rock On Mommy Theresa said...

Perfect post. I just had my husband read so could idea what I was doing all day yesterday. Thank you and thanks SITS

Siemens said...

Theresa, thank you! Looking forward to getting to know you through your blog.

Siemens said...

Summer, I feel the same way! It was a great bonding time.

Scary Mommy said...

I'm so sorry I wasn't there!! Sounds like a great time!

Anonymous said...

great review of a great weekend that we shared. so nice to meet you!

Cynthia said...

I also got so much out of SITScation and found everyone so generous and friendly. It was great meeting you there and and getting a chance to really chat. I look forward to getting to know more about you and your blog.

Cynthia said...

I found a Walgreens next door on Sunday. We could have been drinking our reasonably priced diet coke all weekend long. I'm a little afraid to get my mini bar bill!

Siemens said...

Shimmy Cynthia, I know! I saw it as I was driving away. They really succeed in locking you away in the bubble inside places like the Venetian (where I LOVED my suite, by the way). Hey, Vegas Venetian! Comp me a suite for a week and I'll blog and tweet for days about your gorgeous in-suite decor. :)

Claremont First Ward said...

I agree that SITScation was wonderful and I really enjoyed the inspiring speakers, too. Did we Poken? I'll have to go look. :)

Mayhem and Moxie said...

I am just sorry that I didn't have the chance to meet you in person. Such a missed opportunity.

I'll be sure that I don't make the same mistake in the future. :)


Knit Purl Gurl said...

Glad I got to meet & poken you! :) Had a great time at SITS as well and was thrilled that there were no DIVA attitudes there!

Siemens said...

KnitPurlGurl, Angie, and Francesca, hope we can meet again next year. I have a feeling SITScation is going to get bigger soon! A blessing and a curse, probably.

Jennifer said...

I have to agree with you all the way! This conference was exactly what I needed to get my bloggy priorities straight! And all the speakers we got to listen to were just amazing! Simply inspirational!

And of course, it was fantastic to meet you! :-)

AdriansCrazyLife said...

Just popping by to say Hi. I'm supposed to be working, but I just.can't.stay.away! How funny, the verification work is pokine. Think that's the plural of Poken?

Siemens said...

Adrian, I'll bet that's right! Good to see you at SITScation. I'll head over to your blog today.

Sharlene said...

It was so great and everyone was a million times nicer than I could have ever imagined. Can't wait until next year!

Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

I'm a bit jealous! I wish I had been there!

I'll need to remember that "please all and you please none" bit.

Siemens said...

Me, too, Holly Noelle. That's a really bracing reminder! Thanks for stopping by.